Southern Sacred Music Symposium (The University of Southern Mississippi, April 2024)
“No One Left Behind: Music Ministry for All Generations”
“Crockpot Cooking in a Microwave World: Music Ministry Tools for the Long Haul”
“To Know and Be Known: A Taxonomy for 21st Century Leadership.”
“Exploring Non-Traditional Training Pathways for the Worship Leader” (joint presentation with Dr. Nelson Cowan) (Worship Educators’ Symposium, Samford University, 2024)
“How to be Great at What You Do Without Being a Jerk” (SonPower Student Worship Conference, Nashville, 2023)
“Re-envisioning Music Ministry” (Southern Baptist Church Music Conference, Athens, GA, 2022)
Regional Baptist Music Ministry Leadership Conference (August 2020, virtual)
Student Choir or Praise Team? Why Not Both?
Developing a Pipeline for Leadership”
Worship Ministry Beyond the Pandemic”
Tennessee Baptist Music Ministry Leadership Conference (Murfreesboro, TN, 2019)
“Singing Our Faith”
“Unleashing the Power of Conducting Gesture”
“Building Blocks for Better Choirs”
“Reimagining the Multi-Generational Church Choir Program” (ACDA National Conference, 2019)
Baylor University’s Alleluia Conference (2018)
“Culture and Choir: Friend or Foes”
“Demolition Derby: Building, Renovating, Reimagining Student Choirs”
“The Mission Link: Fostering Extra-Musical Connections in the Choral Rehearsal”
Tennessee Baptist Mission Board Music Ministry Leadership Conference (Nashville, 2017)
“Culture and Choir: Friend or Foes”
“Keys to Success: Passion, Programming, Preparation, Presentation”
“Heartbeat of Youth Choir: Relevance, Retreat, Relationship”
“Behind the Veil: Discovering the World of Millennials and Today’s Teenagers”
Baylor University’s Alleluia Conference (2016)
“Behind the Veil: Inside the World of Millennials and Today’s Teenagers”
“The Heartbeat of Youth Choir: Relevance, Retreat, Relationships”
“Keys to Success: Passion, Programming, Preparation, Presentation”
“Insane in the Brain: Critical Thinking Skills in the Choral Rehearsal” (Georgia MEA Conference 2017 and Tennessee MEA Conference, 2016)
“The Missing Link: Fostering Extra-Musical Connections in the Choral Rehearsal” (Mississippi Music Educators’ Association, 2014)
Growing Churches Conference (Hattiesburg, 2012)
“I Direct Music at a Traditional Church, but the Church Wants to Blend the Music.”
“Is There Still a Place for Student Choir?”
“Rehearsal Planning with the Long-term in Mind”
“I’m a Traditional Church Musician, and I’ve Been Asked to Start a Contemporary Service” (ACDA National Conference, 2011)
“Materials and Methods for Contemporary Worship Services” (Mississippi ACDA/MEA Conference, 2011)
Hallmarks of Healthy Congregational Worship
8-entry series for the Center for Worship and the Arts, Samford University
“The Worship Leader’s Calling” (Center for Worship and the Arts, Samford University)
A Singing Welcome: A Sacred Community Response (Choral Journal 56, No. 11)
ACDA Choral Journal Repertoire Reviews:
“Invictus” by Andrew Marshall (2018, Nov. 58, No. 11)
“Jenny Jenkins” by John Wykoff (2018, Nov. 58, No. 11)
“The Composer” by David Conte (2018, Vol. 59, No. 4)
“Look Up, Look Down” by John Wykoff (2018, Vol. 59, No. 4)